At Nova Mae Design we will provide you with a brand that you love & can be proud of, and from custom website design to turning Showit templates into client-attracting powerhouses, we give you an online presence that will allow you to watch your business grow.

We take already amazing templates and sprinkle them with our own special brand of magic. Think of us as your digital interior decorators, adding those perfect finishing touches to make your website uniquely yours.  From tweaking layouts to harmonizing colors, we handle all the nitty-gritty details so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

Wave goodbye to brand and website woes and hello to a whole new level of online success. Get in touch with Nova Mae Design today, and let's turn your busines dreams into reality!

Brand Identity + Template Customization
by Nova Mae Design


Site Credits

Get ready to break out the confetti, because we've got some seriously exciting news to share! If you've been feeling like you're stuck in a design rut, trying to piece together the perfect website, then you're in for a treat. Let us introduce you to the fabulous team at Northfolk, who completely revolutionized our online presence.

Northfolk doesn't just offer templates; they provide game-changing, fully customizable designs that help you stand out in the digital crowd. And here's the best part: they've infused each template with strategic brilliance, making it a breeze to connect with your ideal clients. All you need to do is dive in, personalize your content, add your stunning images, and tweak to your heart's content. Voilà! You've got yourself a sleek new website that's not just eye-catching but also converts like a charm. Consider your website struggles officially conquered

Template Design by Northfolk


Heard ENOUGH and ready to LAUNCH your dream website?

Connect with either of these wonderful design studios above and watch your business grow.